Tuesday, 28 August 2007


The festival season is coming to an end at the moment, but there was a cracking one in the city centre the other night which I wandered around. During it, a big dance competition takes place - big dance troupes of about 40 or 50 engage in these amazing routines with drums and singing, all while wearing outlandish costumes in 30C+ heat. Impressive stuff. Here's a couple of videos of the dancing - the seats were all full up so the only way to get a decent gander was to keep scooting up and down the walkways. Hence the slightly Blair Witch-esque footage.

(NB - there's sound so watch out if you're at work!)

1 comment:

surface said...

Yup, a really nice event. I visited the same stage two days ago and watched the parade today (August.31) near the park. This was a very impressive, while unexpected thing to see during my short stay.. Wonder if some of the music can be found on the internet.