Saturday 23 June 2007

First post! First post!

Inspired by fellow teacher and Antipodean ambassador Thom Morgan, I decided that it might be fun to do a blog rather than fill up people's inboxes with emails that might not be that interesting. That way, people that want to know what I'm up to can check in every now and again and see the updates, and those that don't can just push me into a tiny box in their consciousness and forget about me. The bastards.

That said - seeing as this is in the public domain I may have to tone down some of my tales, particular those that relate to my students. To pluck an entirely fictitious example from the air - say I had a young charge who seemed to display an unhealthy fascination with certain orifices about my person and in placing his fingers in them. Well, I probably couldn't mention him too much. If such a child existed of course. Hmm. So you'll probably get some emails from time to time too.

I'm going to try and sort out some photos for this page too so you can see a bit of where I work and also of Nagoya which has lots of strange/cute/cool Japanese type stuff to gawk at.

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